Exploring technologies, inspiring through design

Juul van den Heuvel is a young Dutch designer. In 2023, he graduated with honours from St. Joost School of Art & Design, majoring in New Design & Attitudes. Throughout his studies, he focused on exploring new technologies and inspiring others through design.
In his most recent project, Juul explored the possibilities that generative artificial intelligence (AI) can offer in a design process. He developed a manifesto and ultimately used this tool to generate 500 chairs, bringing one to life. With this, Juul aims to inspire and encourage his audience to engage with technology.
A signature of Juul's approach is conducting research through making (research by design). He has applied his knowledge of AI in developing a whitepaper for BNO (Association of Dutch Designers), offering a preliminary guide to using AI in creative processes.
In his design process, Juul makes rapid iterative steps from thinking to making. Utilizing technology such as laser cutting and 3D printing, he quickly realizes his ideas. This enables him to produce a significant amount of work in a short time.

Some other exciting things...

Where I showed my work:

       Now Show St.Joost - ‘s-Hertogenbosch
       Dutch Design Week at Design Perron - Eindhoven
       Exhibition Spurt - Breda
       Lang Leve Rembrandt at Rijksmuseum - Amsterdam

Where my work is posted:

        “Can AI generated designs work in the real world?” - ELLE Decoration UK
        “A chair out of the Computer” - Eindhovens Dagblad (NL)
        “Postcards from DDW2023” - ELLE Decoration UK  
        “You can’t miss this during DDW2023” - vtwonen (NL)
        “10x must-sees during DDW2023” - Eindhoven City (NL)
        “Juul in Rijksmuseum” - Brabants Dagblad (NL)

Juul van den Heuvel